Before the preacher would preach, he would pray, "Lord.....prop me up on every leaning side". He prayed that because he recognized his frailty and knew that the Lord would have to complete the task of delivering the Word.
Well I can't break down the Word like Uncle Tony (smile roomie).....and I can't loose any woman from her infirmities (smile Kenneth) and I definitely can't, as my momma would say, stand flat footed and preach like Pastor Daniels! But I must say that during this workout I was calling on the Mighty Name.......during a set of drills called "suicide drills" I literally said......Help me Lord! I needed to be propped up on every leaning side today........and believe me I was leeeeeeeeeeannnnnnin'!
Insanity Day 2: Plyometric Cardio Circuit
Before the work out began, I realized that I was suffering from the following: a sore back.....sore abs......and sore lats! Wow all that soreness from the fit test.......needless to say I was feeling awfully nervous about the Plyo cardio circuit!
This workout is well.....insane. It put me in the mind of my high school basketball days at Clear Brook. Coach McKenna used to make us jump rope then we'd go through an insane amount of drills! I can remember being bent over in exhaustion.......looking over at my teammates (Gordo, Coop & Shannon) wondering if they felt as close to death as I did. None of us dared admit how hard it was but we pushed through. I felt the same way during this workout. I was at times exhausted beyond belief and at other times I felt tough and invincible. The workout lasted about 40 minutes it was, in a word, brutal.
I must say, though I'm excited about the next 58 days (if I mess up the math in the next two months please forgive me, I teach English!) (don't judge me Annette Martinez!). I think the workouts will get much much more intense......better yet insane......but I am convinced that if I stick with it, I'll achieve some real results!
Tomorrow: Cardio Resistance
I'm proud of you Roni! Keep pushing and keep up the great work. Hopefully some of that will power and discipline will rub off this way. :)