Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Tiny Dancer

Insanity Day 3: Cardio Power Resistance

I could go into what how hard this workout was (and it was). I could talk about how every muscle in my body ached (and they did). I could talk about how I was unable to do so many of the exercises (because I couldn't). I could talk about how I wanted to shoot Shawn T in the head for making up such an insane workout (because I did). I could talk about how I was completely soaked with sweat after the workout (because I was).

However, I am choosing to talk about a tiny dancer. My daughter was sitting on the couch eating her breakfast when I began the workout. After she was done eating, she disappeared for about 5 minutes. I assumed she was changing out of her pjs. But when she came back, she still had on her pjs and she had on tennis shoes. She said, "Mommy I'm coming to workout with you". Throughout the workout I watched my little dancer giggle and smile about an insane workout. She pushed me when I felt like giving up........she told me when we were moving on to a different exercise.......and she got me cold water during the breaks. When it was over she and I stretched and cooled down together. And as she walked away, it dawned on me that she......SHE is the reason I do this! I want her to be healthy and strong. I know that if she sees me being healthy and strong, she'll follow suit.

As I push through the next 57 days, I'll keep my tiny dancer in my mind. She'll be my motivation.

Tomorrow Cardio Recovery


  1. Roni, thats awesome! Isn't that the goal? To live a long fulfilled life so we can see our loved ones grow and become the best that they can be. Sounds like you're a great Mom! Good luck with this adventure - I know you can do it! I'm totally inspired! :)

  2. Mischelle.........my kids are my total inspiration. I want them to know that fitness is a part of life that we can never forget! Thanks for your comment!
